Anthony Tetro  
Founder, Pastor Anthony Tetro’s heart is dedicated to his love for Israel and its Jewish people.
 His passion is to reach the Jewish community for Yeshua, and educate and equip the Gentile with the wisdom and revelation of their Jewish roots in their Christian faith.
Pastor Anthony's quiet, humble demeanor takes a backseat when he steps up to the pulpit . His calm and collected mannerisms are soon exchanged for a bold stand for Adonai and HIS word.
Ordained with The Assembly Of God, he holds a Masters Degree in Education and a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work and is the published author of 3 books.
Pastor Anthony taught a weekly Torah Study known as “Unroll The Scroll” for seven years prior to receiving the vision from the Lord to birth of “Vessel Of  Honor”

Pastor Anthony and Samantha Tetro

Who We Are

Vessel of Honor  Fellowship was formed in October 2015  and is based on the "One New Man" fellowship that the scriptures prophesy about for the latter days. Jew & Gentile worshiping as one in the Messiah. 

About Vessel of Honor  Fellowship

Service Time

Every Sunday Evening 6 pm

Doors open at 5:30 pm for refreshments and fellowship​